The Coast Guard Investigative Association is a unique fraternal social association created by current and former Investigators, Special Agents, Intelligence Officers, XI’s and Security Managers, of and for Investigators, Special Agents, Intelligence Officers and Security Managers of the United States Coast Guard whose purpose is to further camaraderie, friendship and professional working relationships among former and present CGIS and CGI Special Agents and Investigators, Security Managers and Intelligence officers. We hold annual conventions in order to swap war and sea stories while renewing old friendships and making new ones. We currently have approximately 150 members and hope to grow. Anyone interested in applying for membership can check out the membership page.
Background With the encouragement from many individuals formerly associated with CGI / CGIS and USCG Security, the Coast Guard Investigative Association (CGIA) was founded in 2005 by Bruce Sheils, a retired CGI / CGIS special agent / resident agent. He along with 52 other active and former Coast Guard Intelligence and Investigative Service personnel met in Brason, MO to codify the association and create what we see today. This eclectic & diverse group consisted of former CG Intelligence & Law Enforcement Investigators (XI) & Special Agents, former & current serving Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) Special Agents, former district (ole/oil) Branch & Assistant Branch Chiefs, Security Managers, OPINTEL Special Agents & Technical Specialists, former EPIC (El Paso Intelligence Center) Officers, CG Reserve Special Agents (IVC& IVCS & IVCM, Petty Officers and Warrant Officers), many of whom are law enforcement officers in other federal, state, county, & municipal agencies and members of corporate and private investigative or security organizations.
Our Vision Statement:
"To exemplify the ethics of Law Enforcement for the present, past and future members of the U. S. Coast Guard Investigation Branch of the United States Coast Guard through education, friendship, morality and Brotherly love."
This CGIA Website is published as an informational document for the members of the Coast Guard Investigative Association. None of the opinions in this document are meant to reflect any endorsement or support by the U.S. Government, U.S. Department of Homeland Security or the U.S. Coast Guard.