Notification of Death
If any member knows of the death of an active or past Agent (of the association or not) or, their spouse, please contact Jim Echoff. He will then send a sympathy card on behalf of CGIA Officers and Members. This will only work, if you the membership participate. It will also help, if you can send along the address of any non-member of the association, who has passed. All this information, will help keep the “Crossed the Bar,” list current. Jim can be reached at or 352-239-0491 (if no answer, leave voice mail).
One of our annual Reunion/Conference activities is a memorial tribute dedicated to deceased Intelligence & Investigative Service Members. The ceremony will consist of a "Tolling of The Bell" and reading of the names added to the attached roster of "Crossed The Bar" Members for the previous year. The Coast Guard is the 'lesser known' among our Nation's Military Services and Law Enforcement Agencies and those who serve in the Intelligence & Investigative fields MUCH less known, except among "our own." Those of you reading this will personally know some, or many, former members of our unique and relatively small "Brotherhood Of The Badge." If after reviewing the list and you find a name missing please bring it to the attention of our Executive Secretary or Chaplain Bruce Sheils.
Provided by Bruce Sheils. The bell tolled for those of us who have crossed the bar.
Absher, Carl
Adams, Dave Alexander, David Albert, Dean L. Arangio, Bill Arnold, Gerald “Jerry Arthur, Hedrick “Art” Barbutti, Robert Bennett, Richard “Dick” Bessire, Royal C. Biskach, Frank Blais, Richard G. Jr. Boatman, Kathy Bock, Irwin Bowlby, Donald T. Brandal, Kenneth “Ken” Brennan, George Brewis, Robert M. Brooks, Gerald Brown, Daniel J. Calhoun, Chuck Cherry, Norman Cheveroux, Charlie Cockman, Frank Cole, Lyle Conklin, Thomas F. Coppock, Bob Cote, George E. Cross, Joe Croteau, Dale W. Davis, Charles Davis, Earl Davis, Richard Day, Allison “Al” Dean, Albert L. Dickman, Gordon Dilcher, Harley Duffey, Robert (Bob) Early, Dell Eason, Nate Egan, Michael Farrar, Russell Fillingeri, Tom Finger, Richard D. Finnegan, Mary Force, Herb Fox, Joseph C. Gant, Solomon “Jose” Garry, Walter J. Gentilli, Mariano “Muddy” |
Girard, John A. “Jack”
Gispert, Fernando “Fred” Green, Rossia Griner, Gerald “Gerry” Hamilton, Joe Hammond, Charles Hanks, John D. Hanson, Edward Hart, Joh Hazelgrove, Jim Haskovec, Van Henson, Robert “Bobby” Hoag, Theodore “Ted” Hoover, Richard Horsman, Frank E. Sr. Johnson, J. D. Jones, Paul Kenny, Steven Kennedy, Victor King, George King, James Kipdowsky, Russell Kleckner, Lynn “Red” Knight, T. L. Lawrence, Ronald Leyba, Lee J. Mahaffe, Charles Maher, Pat Markus, Jim Martin, Charles E. Sr. Martin, Paul McGivary, John McGrath, James Mcintire, William “Bill” McIntire, Ray McPhail, Art McWhorter, Wayne Melia, Bob Molitieri, John J. Mullen, Howard Mullens, Fred Murphy, Pete Necco, John Newberg, Dave Osborne, Richard “Dick” Packman, Herbert Parks, Al Payne, William “Willie Peacock, Virgil |
Pecinich, William
Perry, John Pernell “PJ” Peterson, Oscar Poe, John Poreda, Stan * Queen, Clyde Ralph, John Raybon, Otis Rayfield, George Ruble, Albert H. , William Earl Richardson, Bob Richter, Bruce Riley, Margaret “Peggy” Roark, Don Rollins, Harry B. Royce, Bruce Sanchez, Pablo Sanders, John Sheils, Bruce Shidle, Michael Shinn, Jim Shuster, Larry Silver, Nick Slaughter, Jack Smirch, Larry Smith, Gary Spears, Ben Spilsbury, Morgan C. Steel, William “Bill” Stonelake, Jim Stritzinger, John L. Stroh, Orville E. Swenson, Pete Tetrealt, George Thompson, James H. Tower, Loren B. Turner, Bruce Vazquez, Enrique Wald, J. W. Warren, Harvey Weick, Richard “Rich” Wood, Bruce Yack, Richard “Dick” Yohe, Melvin Zabel, Gale Zaye, Lloyd |