19 to 21 OCT 2017
19 to 21 OCT 2017
Wow......another great reunion! I am headed home as I write, but I am still pumped about our 2017 reunion. Bruce Sheils did another fantastic job of logistics, coordination, liaison, planning, as well as selecting a great venue and great entertainment. And wait,,,..there’s more.....just like on TV! We had another high profile speaker who held us spellbound and awestruck.
Now for the details.....bad news first.....unfortunately, this spectacular event was attended by only a handful of members (14 members accompanied by 5 spouses). At the risk of alienating some guys who did not show up really blew it. Yes, I know that Branson is not an easy place to get to (via boat, bus, two flights and a rental car it took me from 0610 to 2100 to get there. Was I whooped...yes, very whooped. However, did the camaraderie and fun overshadow that....yes, very much so. Let’s face it, unless we literally hold it in your backyard, traveling now-a-days is not easy. Especially for us old guys. Before I get into the details of this year’s event, I will cut to the chase and give the details we have as of today for next year. Tentative dates are 4 to 7 OCT, 2018, at the Hyatt Place, 4119 South Stream Blvd, Charlotte, NC. The hotel is a mile or so from the airport and they provide shuttle service. Bud also mentioned that due to the central location of the hotel as well as the availability of the hotel shuttle for shopping Etc, we could actually due without a car for this event. Block out those dates now and make plans to attend and see some of your old acquaintances and make some new friends. Bud Hall has put in a lot of effort to make this happen and promises a good event.
Back to 2017......after the Thursday night meet and greet, on Friday morning we kept the
business meeting to a minimum. Nothing of great import there.
Saturday afternoon we attended a great show, ILLUSIONIST RICK THOMAS. While we all know that all his stunts were illusions, everyone walked out saying ‘How did he do that!!!!!!’ He put on a great show that left many of us scratching our heads...we know he really did not slice his assistant into multiple pieces, we know 4 people and two REALLY big dogs were not all hiding in a small box.... but....where were they all the time????? How did he do it??????? Great fun!
On Saturday, our banquet fare was delicious, but it was nothing compared to our guest speaker. Eddie Beasley, a US Marine, was one of the first double amputees in the Viet Nam war......a land mine blew his legs offwhile he was point man on patrol. Despite the fact that Viet Nam vets returned home to be treated in a horrific manner, this young man has lead a remarkable life and to this day, continues to help his fellow vets and all people with disabilities. It was an honor to be in the presence of what I consider a national treasure. He left us all with a copy of his inspirational book LUCKY ENOUGH as well as copies of his CDs - he entertained us with a stirring song he wrote and recorded with the Oak Ridge Boys as a thank you to his wife of 51 years....she met him in the US Navy Hospital in California while he was recovering from his wounds, married him shortly thereafter, and has been his sidekick all along. Connie Beesley is a wonder herself and stands right with Eddie helping generations of vets and their families deal with the trauma of war. is difficult to find words to adequately express my gratitude to Bruce Sheils for the tremendous effort he has put into CGIA. From starting the organization from scratch and planning and executing the reunions in Branson year after year, he has put in untold hours to keep us afloat. Without violating HIPPA regulations, I can say he faced some formidable health issues (ongoing actually) and did not let them even slow down his efforts to make our reunions a success. On behalf of the entire membership THANK YOU Bruce for a job exceptionally well done.
A couple of side notes while I have your attention........I also have to thank our Treasurer, Jim Echofffor the time he puts in managing our finances and membership tracking. He does a thorough job and pushes hard to collect dues (hint, hint hint). And his efforts go hand in hand with the work of our Corporate Secretary Jeff Kilpatrick. So, thanks to you both. Regarding our Vice President, Jack Pressler, he and I are in touch on a regular basis.....Jack is facing some tough medical issues himself and didn’t quite have the stamina to make it to Branson this year. The true depth of his considerable disappointment in not being able to make the trip is hard to explain, but please keep Jack in your thoughts and prayers and keep your fingers crossed that we will see him in 2018.
Moving forward, 2018 is a election year. The current office holders are all in (at least) their second term. For an organization to sustain itself, prosper, grow, attract and retain members, the leadership has to change on a fairly regular basis. New blood, new ideas, and new approaches are part and parcel of a healthy organization. During the summer, we will send out a call for nominations......I hope that some people will step up to the plate to answer the call. Please consider taking on some of the burden of keeping CGIA alive and well.
Well, like I have done more than once in my life, I have shot my mouth off. I hope I have not offended anyone, but if so I will field any complaints in Charlotte in 2018.
Friday, 20 October, 2017
Friday, 20 October, 2017
Steve Little called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.
Bruce Shiels opened the meeting with a prayer. Steve Little followed with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Introduction of Officers in attendance: Steve Little, President and Jim Echoff. Jeff Kilpatrick, Secretary, was unable to attend due to emergency law enforcement operations in Florida. Vice President Jack Pressler was unable to attend due to health reasons.
Members in attendance: Steve Little, Jim Echoff, Bruce Sheils, Walt Bodner, Grant Spooner, Marty Phillips, Mike Ferrick, Jim Parker, Dan Moeser, Bruce McKinnon, Carl Whetstone, Mary Woods, Jerry Brooks, and Bud Hall. Harry Nuccio was present for the business meeting. There were 5 spouses in attendance.
A quorum was present. Welcoming comments by Steve Little and Bruce Sheils.
2016 Meeting Minutes: Upon a properly seconded motion, the minutes from the 2016 meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer Report: Jim Echoff presented the financial report. Upon a properly seconded motion, the report was approved. The records were audited by Walt Bodner. Overall, we are holding our own from a financial standpoint.
Membership Committee: Jim Echoff reported that he works continuously to maintain membership in a paid up status. We currently have 209 members on our roster, 20 of whom have passed the bar, 42 of whom are inactive, leaving approximately 147 active role members.
The schedule for this year’s reunion was reviewed.
Old Business: Steve reported that the idea floated by NCIS to create an association of federal law enforcement associations has been scrapped.
New Business:
A discussion was held regarding the 2018 elections. They will be conducted via email as was done successfully in 2016.
Bud Hall gave a presentation regarding the plans to date for the 2018 reunion to be held in Charlottesville, NC during October (tentatively scheduled for 5 to 8 OCT) at the Hyatt Place, 4119 South Stream Blvd.
It was reported that CGIA has been invited to combine our reunion with the ALL CG REUNION held every other year in Reno, Nevada. While no decision was made, the idea did not seem to have much support, as it was felt CGIA would lose it’s identity.
The 2018 meeting will be held during the Oct 2018 reunion at a time and location to be determined. Meeting adjourned at 1145 hours.
Respectfully submitted by:
Steve Little
CGIA Secretary, Pro Tem
Bruce Shiels opened the meeting with a prayer. Steve Little followed with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Introduction of Officers in attendance: Steve Little, President and Jim Echoff. Jeff Kilpatrick, Secretary, was unable to attend due to emergency law enforcement operations in Florida. Vice President Jack Pressler was unable to attend due to health reasons.
Members in attendance: Steve Little, Jim Echoff, Bruce Sheils, Walt Bodner, Grant Spooner, Marty Phillips, Mike Ferrick, Jim Parker, Dan Moeser, Bruce McKinnon, Carl Whetstone, Mary Woods, Jerry Brooks, and Bud Hall. Harry Nuccio was present for the business meeting. There were 5 spouses in attendance.
A quorum was present. Welcoming comments by Steve Little and Bruce Sheils.
2016 Meeting Minutes: Upon a properly seconded motion, the minutes from the 2016 meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer Report: Jim Echoff presented the financial report. Upon a properly seconded motion, the report was approved. The records were audited by Walt Bodner. Overall, we are holding our own from a financial standpoint.
Membership Committee: Jim Echoff reported that he works continuously to maintain membership in a paid up status. We currently have 209 members on our roster, 20 of whom have passed the bar, 42 of whom are inactive, leaving approximately 147 active role members.
The schedule for this year’s reunion was reviewed.
Old Business: Steve reported that the idea floated by NCIS to create an association of federal law enforcement associations has been scrapped.
New Business:
A discussion was held regarding the 2018 elections. They will be conducted via email as was done successfully in 2016.
Bud Hall gave a presentation regarding the plans to date for the 2018 reunion to be held in Charlottesville, NC during October (tentatively scheduled for 5 to 8 OCT) at the Hyatt Place, 4119 South Stream Blvd.
It was reported that CGIA has been invited to combine our reunion with the ALL CG REUNION held every other year in Reno, Nevada. While no decision was made, the idea did not seem to have much support, as it was felt CGIA would lose it’s identity.
The 2018 meeting will be held during the Oct 2018 reunion at a time and location to be determined. Meeting adjourned at 1145 hours.
Respectfully submitted by:
Steve Little
CGIA Secretary, Pro Tem
Branson, MO
Friday, 20 October, 2017
Branson, MO
Friday, 20 October, 2017
Steven Little called the meeting to order at 0900. In attendance were: President Steve Little, Treasurer, Jim Echoff, Regional Directors Bruce Shiels (Central), Mike Ferrick (Northeast), and Bud Hall (South East). A quorum was present.
Upon a properly seconded motion, the minutes from the 2016 meeting were approved.
A review of the agenda for the 2017 Annual Business Meeting and Reunion was completed.
Jim Echoff reported that he would make the financial report at the annual meeting of the general membership.
Regarding attempts by NCIS to create an association of federal law enforcement associations, it was reports that this idea is no longer on the table.
It was agreed that we would utilize the identical election process to that used successfully for the 2016 elections.
The next annual Board meeting will be held during the 2018 conference.
Bud Hall briefed us on the plans to date for the 2018 reunion in Charlotte, NC, tentatively scheduled for 5 to 8 OCT.
It was agreed that Bruce Sheils be reimbursed for misc expenditures in conjunction with the 2017 reunion.
The meeting was adjourned at 0945.
Respectfully submitted by:
Steve Little
CGIA Secretary Pro Tem
Upon a properly seconded motion, the minutes from the 2016 meeting were approved.
A review of the agenda for the 2017 Annual Business Meeting and Reunion was completed.
Jim Echoff reported that he would make the financial report at the annual meeting of the general membership.
Regarding attempts by NCIS to create an association of federal law enforcement associations, it was reports that this idea is no longer on the table.
It was agreed that we would utilize the identical election process to that used successfully for the 2016 elections.
The next annual Board meeting will be held during the 2018 conference.
Bud Hall briefed us on the plans to date for the 2018 reunion in Charlotte, NC, tentatively scheduled for 5 to 8 OCT.
It was agreed that Bruce Sheils be reimbursed for misc expenditures in conjunction with the 2017 reunion.
The meeting was adjourned at 0945.
Respectfully submitted by:
Steve Little
CGIA Secretary Pro Tem