Coast Guard Investigative Association (CGIA) Update #7
CGIA Members,
Hope that everyone is doing well and staying safe. I wanted to pass on some information to all of you.
It is with sadness that I inform you that Jim Echoff will be stepping down as the CGIA Treasurer due to some personal reasons. Jim has been the associations Treasurer for many years and his hard work will truly be missed. Although he is stepping down, he will continue to be a value membered of CGIA. Secretary Jeff Kilpatrick will assume the duties of the Treasurer until a candidate is selected.
On a positive note, Coast Guard has finally released guidance on the LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER SAFETY ACT (LEOSA) CREDENTIALING PROGRAM. CGIS HQ are currently working on a checklist to help clarify the process, but below is the message that was released.
ACN 091/21
SSIC 16247
A. 18 U.S.C. § 926B, Carrying of Concealed Firearms by Qualified Law Enforcement Officers.
B. 18 U.S.C. § 926C, Carrying of Concealed Firearms by Qualified Retired Law Enforcement Officers.
C. U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Law Enforcement Manual (MLEM), COMDTINST M16247.1 (series)
D. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Directive 257-01, Rev. 1 “Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act.”
E. Ordnance Manual, COMDTINST M8000.2 (series)
1. This ALCOAST announces the promulgation of the U.S. Coast Guard’s LEOSA Credentialing Program in accordance with REFs (A) and (B). LEOSA allows certain current and former law enforcement officers (LEOs) to carry a personally owned firearm concealed while off-duty, not in uniform, in any jurisdiction in the U.S. with certain exceptions.
2. The U.S. Coast Guard LEOSA Credentialing Program specifies two avenues by which a member may apply for credentialing.
a. Current U.S. Coast Guard LEOs and Supervisors under REF (A), and;
b. Retired or Separated U.S. Coast Guard LEOs under REF (B).
3. Any U.S. Coast Guard LEO who meets all requirements may apply for a “Coast Guard LEOSA LEO” or “U.S. Coast Guard LEOSA Retired/ Separated LEO” credential through Defense Consulting Services, the that will process applications and distribute credentials. U.S. Coast Guard LEO credentials are made at no cost to the government through a secure, electronic, web-based application.
a. Only the following persons are eligible to apply for a Coast Guard LEOSA credential under REF (A):
(1) Boarding Officers who:
(a) Have graduated from Basic Boarding Officer School or Boarding Officer Practical Course, to include legacy PQS Boarding Officers;
(b) Have the OPSBO qualification code assigned; and
(c) Are currently certified as a Boarding Officer.
(2) Coast Guard Police Department Officers (CGPD) who:
(a) Have graduated from a DoD Military Police Course; or
(b) Other Agency Equivalent; and
(c) Are currently certified as a CGPD Officer.
(3) Coast Guard Security Forces (CGSF) who:
(a) Have graduated from a DoD Military Police Course; or
(b) Other Agency Equivalent; and
(c) Are currently certified as a CGSF Officer.
(4) Special Agents in the Coast Guard In vestigative Service(CGIS) who:
(a) Have graduated from the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC); or
(b) Other Agency Equivalent; and
(c) Are currently certified as a Coast Guard Special Agent.
5) LE supervisors must be authorized in accordance with REF (E) to carry a government issued personal defense weapon (GI-PDW) for the purpose of law enforcement. In accordance with REF (A), first line supervisors of LE activities may apply for a Coast Guard LEOSA Credential if:
(a) They previously certified as a LEO by satisfying the requirements of 3.a., above; or
(b) Satisfied the requirements of Paragraph 3.c. of this message, for personnel who have separated from a LE billet; and
(c) Are currently authorized to carry firearms as per REF (E).
(6) First line supervisors of LE activities are as follows:
(a) Commanding Officers or Officers-in-Charge of a designated LE unit identified in Chapter 1 of REF (C), and supervising at least one full time boarding team; or
(b) Sector Chiefs of Response and Chiefs of Enforcement (to include former Group Operations Officers) with law enforcement oversight duties; or
(c) Chiefs of Police or Deputy Chief of Police or Command Security Officer (MLES) of CGPDs or CGSFs; or
(d) Designated unit Law Enforcement Officers, Operations Officers and Operation Petty Officers with law enforcement oversight; or
(e) Maritime Security Response Team, Tactical Law Enforcement Team, and Maritime Safety and Security Team Operations Officers.
b. In order to be issued a Coast Guard LEOSA credential under REF (A), members must:
(1) Be authorized by law to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of, or the incarceration of any person for, any violation of law; and
(2) Have statutory powers of arrest; and
(3) Be currently qualified and certified as a Coast Guard LEO listed in Paragraph 3.a. of this message; and
(4) Be authorized in accordance with REF (E), to carry a government issued personal defense weapon (GI-PDW) for the purpose of law enforcement; and
(5) Not be the subject of any disciplinary action which could result in loss of law enforcement or weapons qualification; and
(6) Not have been officially found by a qualified medical professional to be unqualified for reasons relating to mental health; and
(7) Meet firearms qualifications standards contained in REF (E); and
(8) Not be prohibited by Federal law from receiving or possessing a firearm.
c. Retired or separated Coast Guard law enforcement officers may be issued a Retired or Separated Coast Guard Law Enforcement Officer Credential. To be eligible to apply for a LEOSA credential under REF (B), the law enforcement officer must have:
(1) Retired or separated in good standing from the Coast Guard as a law enforcement officer, other than for reasons of being adjudicated as mentally defective, or being committed to a mental institution as outlined in 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(4) and 27 C.F.R. § 478.11;
(2) Before such retirement or separation, was authorized by law to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of, or the incarceration of any person for, any violation of law, and had statutory powers of arrest; and
(3) Before such retirement or separation, was employed as a law enforcement officer for an aggregate of 10 years or more from date of initial certification as a law enforcement officer. Time served as a LEO in other law enforcement agencies shall count towards the 10 years aggregate time, providing the member provides documentation of service.
(4) In accordance with REF (D), it is the policy of DHS that a member who served as a law enforcement officer for a total aggregate of 10 years and meets the statutory criteria in REF (B), who then transfers, retires or separates from his or her law enforcement position, is eligible under LEOSA. This includes if the member converts to a non-law enforcement position within the same or another component or agency, Coast Guard personnel who have transferred from a law enforcement billet but remain in the service, and who have otherwise satisfied the requirements in 18 U.S.C. § 926C, may apply for a LEOSA credential.
(5) In order for time spent as a first line supervisor of law enforcement to count towards the 10 year aggregate time requirement of REF (B), the member must have:
(a) Previously served in a position described in Paragraph 3.a. of this message; and
(b) Maintained firearms qualifications standards contained in REF (E) during supervisory time.
(6) In order to be issued a LEOSA credential as a separated Coast Guard law enforcement officer under REF (B) persons must:
(a) During the most recent 12-month period, have met, at the expense of the member, the standards for qualification as set forth in:
1) the U.S. Coast Guard Firearms Training & Evaluation – Pistol (FTE-P) Instructor’s Guide
Specifically, members must meet the minimal scoring requirements of the Marksmanship Program Management Section Combat Pistol Target (MPMS),
2) the state in which the member resides or, if the state has not established such standards, either a law enforcement agency within the state in which the member resides, or
3) the standards used by a certified firearms instructor that is qualified to conduct a firearms qualification test for active duty officers within that state; and
(b) Not have been officially found by a qualified medical professional employed by the agency to be unqualified for reasons relating to mental health; nor have entered into an agreement with the Coast Guard acknowledging that the member is not qualified for reasons relating to mental health; and
(c) Not be prohibited by federal law from receiving or possessing a firearm.
(d) In accordance with REF (D), the following documents will be made available by Defense Consulting Services:
1) A copy of the statute (18 U.S.C. § 926C);
2) The factors that would prevent a member from receiving or possessing a firearm under federal law (18 U.S.C. § 922); and
3) A copy of the LEOSA fact sheet.
4. Members who meet the qualification criteria and desire to apply for LEOSA credentials must follow the process below:
a. Go to the secure website: and start a new application.
b. Complete required information and submit documentation showing all requirements have been satisfactorily met.
c. Defense Consulting Services will verify information and make a determination of eligibility. That determination will be forward to Office of Law Enforcement Policy (CG-MLE-2) for review.
d. Office of Law Enforcement Policy (CG-MLE-2) will make the final determination to approve or disapprove the application.
e. If approved, the agency contractor will issue the credential to the applicant.
5. If issued either LEOSA credential, the credential holder must ensure the credential is accompanied by a current firearms qualification (within the last 12 months) from the member’s State of residence, or approved Coast Guard certifying authority.
6. Follow the above process to renew an expired LEOSA credential. To replace a lost or stolen credential, go to the above-referenced website and follow the posted instructions to reapply. Ensure the unit command and Office of Law Enforcement Policy (CG-MLE-2) are notified of any lost or stolen LEOSA credential as soon as possible.
7. Issued credentials will be valid for a period of five years from the date of issuance. If an active duty Coast Guard law enforcement officer transfers to a non-law enforcement unit or billet, they will be required to surrender their credential and obtain a retired or separated credential if eligible. Applications for renewal will be accepted within 60 days of the LEOSA expiration. Fingerprint cards are not required for renewal applications.
Since this is a new process, I know that there will be many questions, and road blocks that will be discovered as many of people start the application process. I will reach out and try to get feedback from some of the retired community on their experience. As more information comes out, I will be sure to pass it along.
The Association is currently on standby to see if we can hold an annual conference this year. As a country we are making progress with the vaccinations and many states are lifting restrictions, but we as an association must keep in mind the safety of all our members before making a decision.
God bless and be safe.
Hope that everyone is doing well and staying safe. I wanted to pass on some information to all of you.
It is with sadness that I inform you that Jim Echoff will be stepping down as the CGIA Treasurer due to some personal reasons. Jim has been the associations Treasurer for many years and his hard work will truly be missed. Although he is stepping down, he will continue to be a value membered of CGIA. Secretary Jeff Kilpatrick will assume the duties of the Treasurer until a candidate is selected.
On a positive note, Coast Guard has finally released guidance on the LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER SAFETY ACT (LEOSA) CREDENTIALING PROGRAM. CGIS HQ are currently working on a checklist to help clarify the process, but below is the message that was released.
ACN 091/21
SSIC 16247
A. 18 U.S.C. § 926B, Carrying of Concealed Firearms by Qualified Law Enforcement Officers.
B. 18 U.S.C. § 926C, Carrying of Concealed Firearms by Qualified Retired Law Enforcement Officers.
C. U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Law Enforcement Manual (MLEM), COMDTINST M16247.1 (series)
D. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Directive 257-01, Rev. 1 “Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act.”
E. Ordnance Manual, COMDTINST M8000.2 (series)
1. This ALCOAST announces the promulgation of the U.S. Coast Guard’s LEOSA Credentialing Program in accordance with REFs (A) and (B). LEOSA allows certain current and former law enforcement officers (LEOs) to carry a personally owned firearm concealed while off-duty, not in uniform, in any jurisdiction in the U.S. with certain exceptions.
2. The U.S. Coast Guard LEOSA Credentialing Program specifies two avenues by which a member may apply for credentialing.
a. Current U.S. Coast Guard LEOs and Supervisors under REF (A), and;
b. Retired or Separated U.S. Coast Guard LEOs under REF (B).
3. Any U.S. Coast Guard LEO who meets all requirements may apply for a “Coast Guard LEOSA LEO” or “U.S. Coast Guard LEOSA Retired/ Separated LEO” credential through Defense Consulting Services, the that will process applications and distribute credentials. U.S. Coast Guard LEO credentials are made at no cost to the government through a secure, electronic, web-based application.
a. Only the following persons are eligible to apply for a Coast Guard LEOSA credential under REF (A):
(1) Boarding Officers who:
(a) Have graduated from Basic Boarding Officer School or Boarding Officer Practical Course, to include legacy PQS Boarding Officers;
(b) Have the OPSBO qualification code assigned; and
(c) Are currently certified as a Boarding Officer.
(2) Coast Guard Police Department Officers (CGPD) who:
(a) Have graduated from a DoD Military Police Course; or
(b) Other Agency Equivalent; and
(c) Are currently certified as a CGPD Officer.
(3) Coast Guard Security Forces (CGSF) who:
(a) Have graduated from a DoD Military Police Course; or
(b) Other Agency Equivalent; and
(c) Are currently certified as a CGSF Officer.
(4) Special Agents in the Coast Guard In vestigative Service(CGIS) who:
(a) Have graduated from the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC); or
(b) Other Agency Equivalent; and
(c) Are currently certified as a Coast Guard Special Agent.
5) LE supervisors must be authorized in accordance with REF (E) to carry a government issued personal defense weapon (GI-PDW) for the purpose of law enforcement. In accordance with REF (A), first line supervisors of LE activities may apply for a Coast Guard LEOSA Credential if:
(a) They previously certified as a LEO by satisfying the requirements of 3.a., above; or
(b) Satisfied the requirements of Paragraph 3.c. of this message, for personnel who have separated from a LE billet; and
(c) Are currently authorized to carry firearms as per REF (E).
(6) First line supervisors of LE activities are as follows:
(a) Commanding Officers or Officers-in-Charge of a designated LE unit identified in Chapter 1 of REF (C), and supervising at least one full time boarding team; or
(b) Sector Chiefs of Response and Chiefs of Enforcement (to include former Group Operations Officers) with law enforcement oversight duties; or
(c) Chiefs of Police or Deputy Chief of Police or Command Security Officer (MLES) of CGPDs or CGSFs; or
(d) Designated unit Law Enforcement Officers, Operations Officers and Operation Petty Officers with law enforcement oversight; or
(e) Maritime Security Response Team, Tactical Law Enforcement Team, and Maritime Safety and Security Team Operations Officers.
b. In order to be issued a Coast Guard LEOSA credential under REF (A), members must:
(1) Be authorized by law to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of, or the incarceration of any person for, any violation of law; and
(2) Have statutory powers of arrest; and
(3) Be currently qualified and certified as a Coast Guard LEO listed in Paragraph 3.a. of this message; and
(4) Be authorized in accordance with REF (E), to carry a government issued personal defense weapon (GI-PDW) for the purpose of law enforcement; and
(5) Not be the subject of any disciplinary action which could result in loss of law enforcement or weapons qualification; and
(6) Not have been officially found by a qualified medical professional to be unqualified for reasons relating to mental health; and
(7) Meet firearms qualifications standards contained in REF (E); and
(8) Not be prohibited by Federal law from receiving or possessing a firearm.
c. Retired or separated Coast Guard law enforcement officers may be issued a Retired or Separated Coast Guard Law Enforcement Officer Credential. To be eligible to apply for a LEOSA credential under REF (B), the law enforcement officer must have:
(1) Retired or separated in good standing from the Coast Guard as a law enforcement officer, other than for reasons of being adjudicated as mentally defective, or being committed to a mental institution as outlined in 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(4) and 27 C.F.R. § 478.11;
(2) Before such retirement or separation, was authorized by law to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of, or the incarceration of any person for, any violation of law, and had statutory powers of arrest; and
(3) Before such retirement or separation, was employed as a law enforcement officer for an aggregate of 10 years or more from date of initial certification as a law enforcement officer. Time served as a LEO in other law enforcement agencies shall count towards the 10 years aggregate time, providing the member provides documentation of service.
(4) In accordance with REF (D), it is the policy of DHS that a member who served as a law enforcement officer for a total aggregate of 10 years and meets the statutory criteria in REF (B), who then transfers, retires or separates from his or her law enforcement position, is eligible under LEOSA. This includes if the member converts to a non-law enforcement position within the same or another component or agency, Coast Guard personnel who have transferred from a law enforcement billet but remain in the service, and who have otherwise satisfied the requirements in 18 U.S.C. § 926C, may apply for a LEOSA credential.
(5) In order for time spent as a first line supervisor of law enforcement to count towards the 10 year aggregate time requirement of REF (B), the member must have:
(a) Previously served in a position described in Paragraph 3.a. of this message; and
(b) Maintained firearms qualifications standards contained in REF (E) during supervisory time.
(6) In order to be issued a LEOSA credential as a separated Coast Guard law enforcement officer under REF (B) persons must:
(a) During the most recent 12-month period, have met, at the expense of the member, the standards for qualification as set forth in:
1) the U.S. Coast Guard Firearms Training & Evaluation – Pistol (FTE-P) Instructor’s Guide
Specifically, members must meet the minimal scoring requirements of the Marksmanship Program Management Section Combat Pistol Target (MPMS),
2) the state in which the member resides or, if the state has not established such standards, either a law enforcement agency within the state in which the member resides, or
3) the standards used by a certified firearms instructor that is qualified to conduct a firearms qualification test for active duty officers within that state; and
(b) Not have been officially found by a qualified medical professional employed by the agency to be unqualified for reasons relating to mental health; nor have entered into an agreement with the Coast Guard acknowledging that the member is not qualified for reasons relating to mental health; and
(c) Not be prohibited by federal law from receiving or possessing a firearm.
(d) In accordance with REF (D), the following documents will be made available by Defense Consulting Services:
1) A copy of the statute (18 U.S.C. § 926C);
2) The factors that would prevent a member from receiving or possessing a firearm under federal law (18 U.S.C. § 922); and
3) A copy of the LEOSA fact sheet.
4. Members who meet the qualification criteria and desire to apply for LEOSA credentials must follow the process below:
a. Go to the secure website: and start a new application.
b. Complete required information and submit documentation showing all requirements have been satisfactorily met.
c. Defense Consulting Services will verify information and make a determination of eligibility. That determination will be forward to Office of Law Enforcement Policy (CG-MLE-2) for review.
d. Office of Law Enforcement Policy (CG-MLE-2) will make the final determination to approve or disapprove the application.
e. If approved, the agency contractor will issue the credential to the applicant.
5. If issued either LEOSA credential, the credential holder must ensure the credential is accompanied by a current firearms qualification (within the last 12 months) from the member’s State of residence, or approved Coast Guard certifying authority.
6. Follow the above process to renew an expired LEOSA credential. To replace a lost or stolen credential, go to the above-referenced website and follow the posted instructions to reapply. Ensure the unit command and Office of Law Enforcement Policy (CG-MLE-2) are notified of any lost or stolen LEOSA credential as soon as possible.
7. Issued credentials will be valid for a period of five years from the date of issuance. If an active duty Coast Guard law enforcement officer transfers to a non-law enforcement unit or billet, they will be required to surrender their credential and obtain a retired or separated credential if eligible. Applications for renewal will be accepted within 60 days of the LEOSA expiration. Fingerprint cards are not required for renewal applications.
Since this is a new process, I know that there will be many questions, and road blocks that will be discovered as many of people start the application process. I will reach out and try to get feedback from some of the retired community on their experience. As more information comes out, I will be sure to pass it along.
The Association is currently on standby to see if we can hold an annual conference this year. As a country we are making progress with the vaccinations and many states are lifting restrictions, but we as an association must keep in mind the safety of all our members before making a decision.
God bless and be safe.